Friday, May 27, 2011

Cheap Kid Entertainment

So my daughter has been expressing that she would like to do more crafty things (she's 3 1/2 now) and I find when I let her do these things she's calm, quiet, and listens to me.

We've painted with washable paints TONS:
And I had tons of lunch bags from a craft fair I did so I cut 2 and then taped them together since we were running low on white paper (plus she then gets to actually use the white paint and it shows up)

Well last night I wanted to try play-doh with her.  She had some we had stashed above the fridge in a box that came with some other toys with it. When I opened the box I found one cup of it had fallen out and was hard as a rock and the other batch was seriously dried out as well.  Well she was content with painting most of the night and so i was determined tonight to try and make Homemade Play-doh.

Once Alex went to sleep I looked up a recipe and although VERY vague to me I figured I'd try it because with the comments many people had said it went well and I knew I had everything it needed already in the house.


1 c. flour
1 c. boiling water
2 tbsp. cream of tartar
1/2 c. salt
1 tbsp. oil
Food coloring
Mix and knead together. This playdoh is not sticky and does not dry out.
She was so excited to mix it.

I used 1 packet of Kool-aid instead of food coloring since someone had said it made it smell nice, and we had tons since I only use the clear kind for the kids to actually drink. After pouring in the boiling water I stirred it...I didn't know if this was what I was suppose to do or not and after I poured in the oil I added more flour and just kinda rolled it into balls and added flour as needed to the parts I was working with in my hands.
I then gave her cookie cutters

Then just out of curiosity I tasted it, since I knew eventually my son would take a bite out of it....let me just say it tasted like I had taken a huge mouthful of salty!  The final test will be to see if it actually doesn't dry out though.

This was an awesomely cheap craft to do with my daughter and if it dries out it's fine I'm not out a lot of money at all!

If you have fun and creative crafts you do with your little ones feel free to email pictures and recipes to


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