Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I've seen everyone in the couponing world use this saying these days.  With the new series TLC is doing Extreme Couponing we all know what a stir it's caused in the coupon world.  I myself and one of these people that saw the first show and was hooked. I started couponing in Dec 2010 and don't see myself stopping. This isn't  a fad for me it's a necessity, feeding 7 people is hard and if I can get it for free and cheap and only use $200 a month I'll do it all I can.

Now frugal as defined on freedictionary.com says "practising economy; living without waste; thrifty"

Now just using coupons I don't think makes you frugal, it takes more!
I have always done things without realizing they were frugal.-Saved old containers to re-use for leftovers or husbands lunch
-Use kitchen towels instead of paper towels
-Even resorted to using cotton little boy underwear and plastic covers because I thought my son was going through too many diapers.(We already had the underwear so I bought the plastic covers) IMO it's the same as cloth diapering

I am constantly looking at ways to save money.

I'll be posting the deals and freebies I found and applied for today later! Stay tuned. :D

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